New Attachments

Attachments tailor Cat machines to the specific requirements of a customer's working needs. Caterpillar Attachments enhance the productivity and utility of Caterpillar machines, equipping them for a wide range of tasks and operating requirements, and providing total system solutions for any job application.

To see all of our new attachments currently for sale, click on the images below:

Coral Buckets 305 mm (12 in), Pin On

Coral Buckets are specifically designed to work in rocky coral conditions such as those found on the southeastern coast of the United States.

Coral Buckets 305 mm (12 in), Pin On

Coral Buckets are specifically designed to work in rocky coral conditions such as those found on the southeastern coast of the United States.
Units: USMetric
Width 12 in 305 mm
Capacity 2.3 ft³ 65 l
Weight 271.2 lb 123 kg
Base Edge Thickness 1 in 25 mm
Tip Radius 33.7 in 855 mm
Interface Type Pin on
Specifically designed to work in rocky coral conditions such as those found in the southeastern coast of the United States.
Bucket Shape
Enhanced bucket shape allows material to flow more easily. Tapered bucket sidewalls allow for easy dumping of sticky material.
Rugged Design
Cat® Buckets are designed for superior productivity, reliability and long life.
Lifting Eye
Lifting eye on back of bucket allows operator to lift lightweight materials using lifting tackle.
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