An ounce of prevention for a lifetime of performance.
We are committed to early detection of mechanical problems in order to prevent costly failures, extend the life of your equipment and prevent overheating and excessive wear of important machine components.
Fluid analysis is the fastest, most accurate way to see what’s going on inside your engines and equipment. Toromont Fluid Analysis results are automatically and seamlessly integrated with your Toromont service records.
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Our process is designed to turn fluid analysis data into valuable information that is used to manage equipment and schedule maintenance while minimizing operating costs and equipment downtime.
Industry-leading expertise
Comprehensive services
Personalized results
Scheduled Fluid Analysis can maximize equipment life and productivity, while minimizing operating costs and downtime.
Monitor the health of your equipment with Toromont's Fluid Analysis lab program. The Toromont Fluid Analysis lab is committed to early detection of mechanical problems in order to prevent costly failures and extend the life of your equipment. A few ounces tell the story… regular oil and coolant testing are excellent tools to help detect impending system failures and ensure that your equipment is being protected.
The Toromont Fluid Analysis Team doesn't just focus on the condition of your oil, we also focus on the condition of your equipment.
At Toromont Fluid Analysis we offer a service customized to your needs. Dealing with us is as easy as you'd like it to be.
Maximize equipment life and productivity, while minimizing operating costs and downtime.
We monitor your oil with methods developed by Caterpillar and designed to evaluate the condition of your machine components, not just the condition of your oil.
Cooling system problems contribute to more than 50% of all engine related failures. Diesel engines produce a tremendous amount of power and heat that must be dissipated to keep your engine running properly.
It is an assessment of the general condition of the fuel. Poor fuel can cause poor combustion, premature fouling, corrosion, and problems with injectors.